"I know I have a fickle heart, & a bitterness & a wandering eye & a heaviness in my head." -don't you remember; adele historically speaking, today tends to be a day of reflection. today specifically I found myself delving into the depths of my tumblr, uncovering my love of the les mis movie circa 2012, my obsession with hunger games in 2013,...
If we did all the things we are capable of,we would astound ourselves.-Thomas Edison As a child, willpower was not something I seemed to struggle with. Unfortunately as I've grown, I've really struggled with getting myself to complete simple tasks. I told myself every day for a week that I would go to the gym after work (a very common issue, I know),...
I've been under the weather for a couple weeks now and, coincidentally, the weather has been a bit out of sorts itself around here. The other day the windchill was reading in the negatives. & I don't mean -1, I'm talking -8. Yikes. So for all of us in need of some serious couch-potato time, I've compiled a list of my favorite binge-worthy...
I started this year off right with a quick weekend getaway to St. Croix, a US Virgin Island. Peter had to be there for work, and having never been to the Caribbean before, I decided to stow away for part of his trip. We rented a soft top Jeep Wrangler and the first thing we did after getting off the plane was pop...
With 2018 having drawn to a close, it's time for the Year In Review Survey. I pulled this off a Xanga back in 2005 and have filled it in every since. Here goes... 1. What did you do in 2018 that you'd never done before? Moved into my own place that HAS A DISHWASHER! Drank alcohol at a Disney park, picked apples from...

I've never considered Thanksgiving to be a big holiday for me because traditionally my family volunteers all day. And I mean all day. Our big feast is on a random day the weekend following the big day. This means watching football and eating chips and dip while Dad hangs in the kitchen for a few hours. I never considered Thanksgiving to be my...
Due to unforeseen events, Sharaya and I ended up spending a full day exploring the glorious city of New Orleans. Because we are who we are, we went full glam. There's truly no other explanation other than "we were together". One of the most important things about travelling with people is making sure you travel the same. Some people are up bright early...